Wednesday, May 9, 2012

     Anya is home today after her first five day set of treatments. She is so happy to be home in her own bed and with her family. We have missed each other immensly. Her blood counts are still good, but with this regimen of chemo we expect those counts to crash in the next week or so. Anya decided to go get her hair cut this week. It will fall out eventually, but she has decided to take things according to her terms. She will start with a shorter cut and then move on from there. I wish I had an ounce of the courage she has to tackle this beast. She is a trooper!!!

    Anya and her sister have decided that they want to raise a couple of lop earred rabbits (2 or 3). we are on the search for some in the area. If anyone has any ideas please let us know. We are currently creating a fun little rabbit hutch for them, but we don't have the critters yet. We were all surprised that Mom actually agreed to the proposal the girls gave about the idea. I checked with the Doctor's and as long as the animals remain outside it should not be a problem. I am so impressed with Nadia and Anya at the way they are enjoying each others company so much more than a few weeks ago. A Dad could not be prouder.

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